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October 10, 2004

using the internet to improve my iTrip

My wife bought me an iPod for my birthday last month. A wonderful present, I love the thing - much better than my RioVolt MP3 CD player that I was previously using.
I mostly use the iPod in the car, with a cassette adaptor, however my wifes car doesnt have a tape player... so I went and bought an iTrip today. This thing broadcasts your iPod on the FM band over a very small distance.
Since I'll be using it around town and also when venturing up to Yackandandah to visit my dad, I thought it would be good to set it to a radio frequency that suits all those areas.

So, I turn on the computer and start Googling around... lo-and-behold I discover that the Australian Broadcasting Authority has a webpage that has a list of all FM stations in Australia, sorted by frequency.

You have to love it when an organisation puts the exact info you want into an easy-to-read freely available format :-)

The list even has latitude and longitude information, so if I could be bothered I could write a little program to pick the frequency based on the places I visit (from my GPS) :-)

Posted by Zaph at October 10, 2004 11:45 AM

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